Doprava zdarma při nákupu nad 1795 CZK
🖤 Black Friday Sale: Získejte až 40% slevu na vše! Kupte víc, ušetřete více: 1 produkt = 20%, 2 = 25%, 3 = 30%, 4 = 35%, 5+ = 40%

Lana Graule

Berlin, Germany

An artist from Ukraine. It has always been my hobby and I have always enjoyed painting.

Different characters, different styles, different tools. Everything depends on the mood...always.

I hope, you'll enjoy our works and we are open to your proposals.
They are full of positive energy and emotion and i'm sure they'll share that energy with you.

Wish you all the best!


Kupte si mé plakáty a umělecké tisky



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