Doprava zdarma při nákupu nad 1795 CZK
🖤 Black Friday Sale: Získejte až 40% slevu na vše! Kupte víc, ušetřete více: 1 produkt = 20%, 2 = 25%, 3 = 30%, 4 = 35%, 5+ = 40%



Beth, the creative behind KsanaKalpa, is a Singapore-based artist and designer with 15 years of experience as an art director. Her diverse background spans events, graphics, and UI/UX design.

Each piece of KsanaKalpa's art, from typography to illustration to digital painting, is crafted with love to promote mental wellness.

She explores topics such as mindfulness, self-care, healing, and resilience.

Kupte si mé plakáty a umělecké tisky



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